Books Between Bites is held in the large Founders Room at Batavia Public Library
10 S. Batavia Avenue, Batavia, IL Noon - 1 PM
Third Thursday/month (except as noted)
September thru May Reservations NOT required
At the end of each presentation, there is always time
for Q&A and discussion.
Charlie Hustle:
The Rise and Fall of Pete Rose
by Keith O'Brien
Lester Munson has been a nationally-known commentator, former ESPN senior writer and legal analyst, and WTTW’s Chicago Tonight guest. In this annual visit to the program, he will share his thoughts on this new and epic treatment of the life of one of the most fascinating figures in sports history, from his dizzying heights to his calamitous lows, a tragic fall brought on by Rose’s hubris, arrogance, and compulsive gambling.